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Para handy bowling wheelchair
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Our story so far ...

Highly motivated and dedicated bowlers

In 2016 Andy Semple who is a keen bowler, required a bowling wheelchair. At that time there were very few options available and all were expensive.


Andy decided that he could build his own, to his exact specification and budget.


With the help from a few colleagues and support from a number of local businesses, he built and gained approvals for a well engineered, reliable and affordable alternative, and so the Para-HandyTM Bowling Wheelchair was born.


Since that 1st generation wheelchair, it has been refined and improved using feedback from users across the UK, the culmination of which had resulted in the 5th generation wheelchair that is available today.​


Our story continues ...

Highly motivated and dedicated bowlers

In early 2024, a wheelchair customer from Gourock asked if we could adapt a rollator that they owned, and make it suitable for use on their bowling green. Using our existing wheel mounts and with some ad-hoc modifications to the brakes we were happy to help.


Over the following weeks we received other ad-hoc requests and this inspired us to look at providing a better engineered solution.


Over the months that followed we designed new mounting brackets and wheel supports, sourced new parts and suppliers, and carried out testing on several design options. We are now pleased to offer our latest mobility aid for bowlers, the  Para-HandyTM Bowler Stroller.


Keep the inspiration coming....


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